Readers Share

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Please include a line or two about why you love this book. (What did you like the most? What makes it special from other books you’ve read?) Also, please allow me to post your first name (NO LAST NAMES) and age. While I welcome shares from adults, please restrict your titles to children’s and young adult.

Readers Share for March

Favorites from Readers

The Left-Handed Fate (Kate Milford, fantasy adventure) is so suspenseful. Constant suspense – you never know what’s going to happen. The character Lucy is completely different – really takes charge and breaks the rules. She doesn’t care about what anyone else thinks.”… (Read more)

Readers Share for February

Favorites from Readers

The Rig, by Joe Ducie (young adult). I like books where people are trying to escape. Lots of action, and the main character is witty.

— Jack, age 12

When I was twelve, one of my favorites was Anne of Green Gables (Ann Montgomery, middle-grade).… (Read more)